A innovative genetic test that supports our practitioners to evaluate potential treatment options for clients.
- Alopecia is a mulifactorial condition of both genetic and extrinsic factors. The combination of both factors should be addressed as a whole during alopecia treatment.
- TrichoTest(tm) evaluates 16 genetic markers, each of which has 3 possible results.
Why we like it:
- A questionnaires of clients medications, pathologies, emotional state, physical activity, and family history are taken into consideration.
- We are partnered with Dr. Chandra Higginbothem to give you detailed results of your personal test. An 30 minute appointment is included (see her bio under "our team")
- Scheduling a consultation with our Trichologist will help you get the best results using the TrichoTest(tm) & your personal questionnaire.
- Knowing your genetic factors puts you ahead in personalized support using the best of products for a treatment plan.
Personalized alopecia treatment include :
- genetic evaluation
- products suggestion
- lifestyle considerations